(2024) Top 10 Best Paper for Oil Pastels

top 10 best paper for oil pastels

Oil pastels are a popular medium for artists due to their vibrant colors and creamy texture. However, choosing the right paper for oil pastels is crucial to achieve the best results in your artwork.

Factors to Consider when Choosing Paper for Oil Pastels

When selecting paper for oil pastels, there are several key factors to keep in mind. Texture, weight, size, and durability all play a role in how your final piece will turn out.

Top 10 Recommended Paper Choices for Enhancing Oil Pastel Art

1. Strathmore 400 Series Pastel Pad

2. Canson Mi-Teintes Paper

3. Sennelier Oil Pastel Card

4. Fabriano Tiziano Paper

5. UART Sanded Pastel Paper

6. Hahnemühle Velour Pastel Paper

7. Faber-Castell Mixed Media Pad

8. Clairefontaine Pastelmat Paper

9. U.S. Art Supply Pastel Paper

10. Canson XL Series Oil and Acrylic Paper

Tips on Choosing the Right Paper for Oil Pastels

Depending on the type of paper you choose, there are different techniques and tips to keep in mind. Whether working with textured paper or smooth surfaces, adjusting your approach can enhance your artwork.

Additional Tips for Using Oil Pastels on Paper

Blending techniques, layering methods, and fixative application can all help improve the quality of your oil pastel artwork on paper. Experimenting with these tips can add depth and dimension to your pieces.

In conclusion, choosing the right paper for oil pastels is essential for achieving the best results in your artwork. Consider the factors mentioned, explore the top 10 paper options provided, and incorporate the tips and techniques shared to enhance your oil pastel creations.

best paper for oil pastels

Oil pastels are a type of art medium that consists of pigment mixed with a binder of oil and wax. They have a rich, creamy texture and vibrant colors, making them a popular choice for artists of all skill levels.

Oil pastels can be used on a variety of surfaces, including paper, canvas, and wood. They are versatile and can be blended, layered, and mixed to create a wide range of effects. They are also known for their long-lasting and durable nature, making them a great choice for creating lasting works of art.

Overall, oil pastels are a versatile and vibrant medium that can be used in a variety of ways to create beautiful and expressive artwork. Whether you are a beginner artist or a seasoned pro, oil pastels are a great addition to any artist's toolkit.

Choosing the right paper for oil pastels is crucial for creating successful artwork. The paper's texture, weight, and absorbency can all affect how the oil pastels interact with the surface and ultimately impact the final result.

One important factor to consider is the paper's texture. A rougher texture can help the oil pastels adhere better to the surface, allowing for more vibrant colors and easier blending. On the other hand, a smoother texture may result in a more polished, refined look.

Another consideration is the paper's weight. Heavier weight papers are more durable and can better withstand the pressures of layering and blending oil pastels. Lighter weight papers may be prone to tearing or buckling under the weight of the media.

The absorbency of the paper is also important to consider. A paper that is too absorbent can quickly soak up the oil from the pastels, leading to dull colors and difficulty in blending. On the other hand, a less absorbent paper may result in more vibrant colors and smoother blending.

Overall, choosing the right paper for oil pastels is essential for achieving the desired effects in your artwork. Experimenting with different types of paper can help you determine which surface best suits your style and technique, ultimately leading to more successful and satisfying creations.

When choosing paper for oil pastels, there are several important factors to consider. These factors can greatly impact the results of your artwork, so it's crucial to choose the right paper for your needs. Some key factors to keep in mind include the texture of the paper, the weight or thickness of the paper, the size of the paper, and the durability of the paper. Let's take a closer look at each of these factors.

Firstly, the texture of the paper can greatly affect the way your oil pastels adhere to the surface. Textured paper, such as sanded paper or pastel paper with a toothy finish, can provide more grip for the pastels and allow for better blending and layering. On the other hand, smooth paper surfaces may be better suited for detailed work and precise lines.

Secondly, the weight of the paper is also an important consideration. Heavier weight paper is more durable and less likely to warp or tear under the pressure of multiple layers of oil pastels. Lighter weight paper may be suitable for preliminary sketches or studies, but for more finished pieces, it's recommended to use a heavier weight paper.

Next, the size of the paper is an important factor to consider. Larger paper sizes provide more space for creativity and allow for larger compositions. However, it's also important to consider the practicality of storing and framing larger pieces.

Lastly, the durability of the paper is crucial, especially when working with oil pastels that can be quite heavy and messy. Choosing a paper that can withstand multiple layers of pastels, as well as blending and mixing techniques, is key to achieving the best results.

By taking these factors into consideration, you can choose the best paper for your oil pastel artwork. In the next section, we will explore the top 10 best paper options for oil pastels that you can consider for your next project.


Oil pastels are a versatile and vibrant medium that many artists enjoy working with. One key factor to consider when using oil pastels is choosing the right paper to work on. The paper you choose can greatly impact the results of your artwork, so it's important to select a high-quality paper that can best showcase the unique properties of oil pastels.

Factors to Consider when Choosing Paper for Oil Pastels

Texture Enhancement

The texture of the paper can greatly affect how the oil pastels interact with the surface. Textured paper can enhance the depth and richness of the colors, while smoother surfaces may be better for detailed work.


oil pastels paper recommendations

The weight of the paper refers to its thickness and durability. Heavier weight papers are more durable and less likely to buckle or tear when using oil pastels.


Take into consideration the dimensions of the paper required for your project. Larger sizes are ideal for creating more expansive artworks, whereas smaller sizes are more suitable for preliminary sketches or studies.


Durability is an important factor to consider when choosing paper for oil pastels. Look for paper that is strong and can withstand the layers of pigment and blending that come with working with oil pastels.

Top 10 Recommended Paper Choices for Enhancing Oil Pastel Art

1. Strathmore 400 Series Pastel Pad

2. Canson Mi-Teintes Paper

3. Sennelier Oil Pastel Card

4. Fabriano Tiziano Paper

5. UART Sanded Pastel Paper

6. Hahnemühle Velour Pastel Paper

7. Faber-Castell Mixed Media Pad

8. Clairefontaine Pastelmat Paper

9. U.S. Art Supply Pastel Paper

10. Canson XL Series Oil and Acrylic Paper

Tips on Choosing the Right Paper for Oil Pastels

Tips for working with textured paper

When working with textured paper, consider using a heavier pressure to ensure the oil pastels adhere to the surface. Experiment with blending techniques to create interesting textures in your artwork.

Techniques for smooth paper surfaces

top quality paper for oil pastels

Smooth paper surfaces are great for detailed work with oil pastels. Consider using a light touch and blending with your fingers or a blending stump for seamless color transitions.

Additional Tips for Using Oil Pastels on Paper

Blending techniques

Experiment with different blending techniques to achieve unique effects with your oil pastels. Try using a blending stump, your fingers, or a brush to blend colors together.

Layering methods

One crucial aspect of using oil pastels is the technique of layering. By adding multiple layers of colors, artists can achieve depth and dimension in their creations.

Fixative application

To protect your finished oil pastel artwork, consider using a fixative spray to seal the layers of pigment. This will help preserve the vibrancy and longevity of your artwork.


Choosing the right paper for oil pastels is essential to achieving the best results in your artwork. Consider the texture, weight, size, and durability of the paper when making your selection. The top 10 paper options listed above are great choices for artists looking to create stunning oil pastel artwork. Experiment with different papers and techniques to discover what works best for your creative process.

Top 10 Best Paper Options for Oil Pastels

1. Strathmore 400 Series Pastel Pad

The Strathmore 400 Series Pastel Pad is a popular choice among artists working with oil pastels. This paper is specifically designed for pastels, including oil pastels, and has a subtle texture that allows for nice color application and blending. The heavyweight paper is durable and can handle multiple layers of pigment without buckling.

Size: Available in a wide range of sizes

Texture: Subtle texture

Weight: Opt for Heavyweight

Durability: Highly Durable

2. Canson Mi-Teintes Paper

The Canson Mi-Teintes Paper is a versatile option for working with oil pastels. This paper has a dual texture, with one side being more textured for better grasping of the pigments, and the other side being smoother for detailed work. The heavyweight paper is resistant to light and humidity, making it a durable choice for oil pastel artists.

Size: Available in a wide range of sizes

Texture: Dual texture

Weight: Opt for Heavyweight

Durability: Resistant to light and humidity

3. Sennelier Oil Pastel Card

artist-grade paper for oil pastels

The Sennelier Oil Pastel Card is specifically designed for use with oil pastels. This paper has a special coating that allows oil pastels to glide smoothly across the surface, making it easier to blend colors and create vibrant artwork. The paper is heavyweight and durable, making it a reliable choice for artists working with oil pastels.

Size: Available in a wide range of sizes

Texture: Smooth coating

Weight: Opt for Heavyweight

Durability: Highly Durable

4. Fabriano Tiziano Paper

The Fabriano Tiziano Paper is a high-quality paper option for oil pastels. This paper has a velvet-like texture that enhances the richness and depth of oil pastel colors. It is available in a wide range of colors, allowing artists to experiment with different color palettes. The heavyweight paper is durable and can withstand multiple layers of pigment.

Size: Available in a wide range of sizes

Texture: Velvet-like texture

Weight: Opt for Heavyweight

Durability: Highly Durable

5. UART Sanded Pastel Paper

The UART Sanded Pastel Paper is a unique paper option for oil pastel artists. This paper has a sanded surface that provides excellent tooth for holding the pigments of oil pastels. The sanded texture allows for easy blending and layering of colors, resulting in vibrant and dynamic artwork. The paper is durable and can handle aggressive blending techniques.

Size: Available in a wide range of sizes

Texture: Sanded surface

Weight: Medium weight

Durability: Highly Durable

6. Hahnemühle Velour Pastel Paper

The Hahnemühle Velour Pastel Paper is a luxurious paper option for oil pastel artists. This paper has a velvety surface that enhances the richness and depth of oil pastel colors. The soft texture allows for smooth blending and layering of colors, resulting in a professional-looking finish. The heavyweight paper is durable and can withstand multiple layers of pigment.

Size: Available in a wide range of sizes

Texture: Velvety surface

Weight: Opt for Heavyweight

Durability: Highly Durable

7. Faber-Castell Mixed Media Pad

textured paper for oil pastels

The Faber-Castell Mixed Media Pad is a versatile paper option that works well with oil pastels. This paper is designed for mixed media applications, making it suitable for various art techniques including oil pastels. The paper is heavyweight and durable, allowing for easy layering and blending of colors. The smooth surface is great for detailed work with oil pastels.

Size: Available in a wide range of sizes

Texture: Smooth with a hint of roughness

Weight: Opt for Heavyweight

Durability: Highly Durable

8. Clairefontaine Pastelmat Paper

The Clairefontaine Pastelmat Paper is a top-tier paper choice for oil pastel artists. This paper is specifically created for pastels, including oil pastels, and offers a distinctive surface for intense color application. With a luxurious velvety texture, this paper enables seamless blending and layering of colors. Its substantial weight and durability make it resistant to light and moisture, ensuring longevity for your artwork.

Size: Available in a wide range of sizes

Texture: Velvety texture

Weight: Opt for Heavyweight

Durability: Resistant to light and humidity

9. U.S. Art Supply Pastel Paper

The U.S. Art Supply Pastel Paper is a budget-friendly option for artists looking to work with oil pastels. This paper is specifically designed for pastels, providing a suitable surface for oil pastels to adhere to. The paper is heavyweight and durable, allowing for multiple layers of pigment to be applied without buckling. It is available in various sizes to suit different artistic needs.

Size: Available in a wide range of sizes

Texture: Suitable for pastels

Weight: Opt for Heavyweight

Durability: Highly Durable

10. Canson XL Series Oil and Acrylic Paper

The Canson XL Series Oil and Acrylic Paper is a versatile option for artists working with oil pastels. This paper is designed for oil and acrylic paints, making it suitable for use with oil pastels as well. The heavyweight paper is durable and can handle the layers of pigment and blending that come with working with oil pastels. The smooth surface allows for detailed work and vibrant color application.

Size: Available in a wide range of sizes

Texture: Smooth with a hint of roughness

Weight: Opt for Heavyweight

Durability: Highly Durable

heavyweight paper for oil pastels

When using oil pastels, selecting the appropriate paper is crucial to ensure that it can accommodate the rich texture and thickness of the medium. Different paper types possess unique characteristics that can either enhance or diminish the overall outcome of your artwork. Below are some guidelines on utilizing various paper options with oil pastels:

Tips for working with textured paper:

- Textured paper can add depth and interest to your oil pastel drawings. The bumps and grooves in the paper can help the pastels adhere better and create unique effects.

- When working with textured paper, consider using a heavier weight paper to prevent the texture from becoming too overwhelming.

- Experiment with different types of textured paper to see which works best for your style and desired effects.

Techniques for smooth paper surfaces:

- Smooth paper can be great for blending and layering oil pastels. The colors will glide more easily on the surface and allow for more control over fine details.

- Consider using a fixative spray on smooth paper to prevent smudging and create a more finished look to your artwork.

- Be mindful of using too much pressure with oil pastels on smooth paper, as it can cause the colors to mix and become muddy.

Overall, the type of paper you choose for your oil pastel drawings can greatly impact the final result. Experiment with different textures, weights, and sizes to find the best option that suits your artistic style and preferences. Remember to always have fun and enjoy the creative process!

Tips for working with textured paper:

  • Textured paper can add depth and interest to your oil pastel drawings. The bumps and grooves in the paper can help the pastels adhere better and create unique effects.
  • When working with textured paper, consider using a heavier weight paper to prevent the texture from becoming too overwhelming.
  • Experiment with different types of textured paper to see which works best for your style and desired effects.

Techniques for smooth paper surfaces:

  • Smooth paper can be great for blending and layering oil pastels. The colors will glide more easily on the surface and allow for more control over fine details.
  • Consider using a fixative spray on smooth paper to prevent smudging and create a more finished look to your artwork.
  • Be mindful of using too much pressure with oil pastels on smooth paper, as it can cause the colors to mix and become muddy.

When using oil pastels on paper, there are additional tips that can help enhance your artwork and improve your overall experience. Here are some key pointers to keep in mind:

Blending techniques: Experiment with blending oil pastels using your fingers, a blending stump, or a blending brush. This can help create smooth transitions between colors and textures on the paper.

Layering methods: Build up layers of oil pastels to create depth and richness in your artwork. Start with lighter colors and gradually add darker shades to achieve a dynamic and vibrant composition.

Fixative application: To preserve your oil pastel artwork on paper, consider using a fixative spray to seal the colors and prevent smudging. Make sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions for best results.

By incorporating these helpful hints into your oil pastel work on paper, you have the opportunity to elevate your artwork to a new level, creating exquisite pieces that demonstrate the beauty and adaptability of this medium.

Blending techniques

Experiment with blending oil pastels using your fingers, a blending stump, or a blending brush. This can help create smooth transitions between colors and textures on the paper.

Layering methods

To enhance the richness and complexity of your artwork, experiment with layering oil pastels. Begin with lighter hues and gradually incorporate darker tones for a dynamic and vivid result.

Fixative application

To preserve your oil pastel artwork on paper, consider using a fixative spray to seal the colors and prevent smudging. Make sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions for best results.

Recap of the Top 10 Best Paper Options for Oil Pastels

  1. Strathmore 400 Series Pastel Pad
  2. Canson Mi-Teintes Pastel Paper
  3. Hahnemuhle Bugra Pastel Paper
  4. Sennelier Le Maxi Pastel Pad
  5. UArt Sanded Pastel Paper
  6. Fabriano Tiziano Pastel Paper
  7. Art Spectrum Colourfix Paper
  8. Canson Plein Air Pastel Pad
  9. Winsor & Newton Pastel Paper
  10. Clairefontaine PastelMat Paper

Final Thoughts on Choosing the Right Paper for Oil Pastels

When choosing paper for oil pastels, factors such as texture, weight, and color play a significant role. The ideal paper should have a textured surface to grip the pastel, a heavy weight to prevent damage, and a color that complements the overall composition.

Experiment with different papers to find the one that best suits your style and technique. Don't be afraid to try new options and see how they enhance your artwork.

mixed media paper for oil pastels

Keep in mind the top 10 paper options listed above as a guide, but also explore other brands and varieties to expand your creative possibilities. With the right paper, your oil pastel creations will truly come to life!

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